Sunday, December 6, 2009

Continueing to Review the Choral Technology G.A.M.E. Plan

Again this week I will be looking back over my technology G.A.M.E. plan examining how effective my actions have been in achieving my goals, what I have learned so far to apply to my instructional practice, what do I still need to learn, and how I plan to adjust my plan to meet my current needs . The G.A.M.E. plan was developed by Katherine Cennamo, John Ross, and Peggy Ertmer in their book Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use (2009).

Being the holiday season, it has been hard to move forward with the set up of website. There have been problems linking the new website to the different buildings web pages. The website needs to be accessible from the middle school and the high school pages. However, the organization of the website flow chart is progressing. Making a strong resource link page has become one of my biggest concerns. Having resources that help build students understanding and performance skills are desired for this section. John Kusmich, Jr. suggests several usable music theory and ear training software programs in his Choral Director article (pp. 28-31, 2009). The most interesting and usable where, Essentials of Music Theory 3, and Alfred’s Interactive Musician, by Alfred, as well as, EarMaster distributed by Emedia , all offered self-paced drill and practice software and promoted sight reading skills, a desirable skill for singers.

As mentioned in chapter 16 of Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use (Cennamo, Ross, and Ertmer, 2009), “these innovative methods for helping students practice on their own carry many benefits that are hard to dispute. They can bring exemplary models of performance into a student’s home at little cost, which is especially useful for student who do not have access to private lessons.”


Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: a standards based approach. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Kuzmich, J., Jr. (2009, November). Music Theory & Ear Training Software.
Choral Director, 28-31.

1 comment:

  1. Bonnie,
    It looks as though your GAME plan is coming together nicely. I like that you have looked up and found sources that will not only benefit you but also your students! It is amazing to see that there are things to help kids with music that do not cost so much money, that is great! Good luck with improving and strengthing your GAME plan!
